If you’re not finding a chapter in your area, why not start one?

It only takes a few sewing enthusiasts to get started!
While a chapter itself may cover a large geographical area, chapters often include smaller groups – called neighborhood groups – that meet in surrounding locations. Neighborhood groups allow members to meet locally while still being a part of a larger chapter. And the good news is that finding others to join your new chapter could be as easy as visiting your local sewing shops, fabric stores or library and passing the word around. There may even already be ASG members in your community – new sewing friends just waiting to meet you and get together.
Not sure you’d know what to do? Once you get the ball rolling and have made sewing friends who are ready to get started, we are here to help. We’ll start you off with some informational booklets that explain chapter operations and how to plan and hold an organizational meeting. And we’ll continue to work with you to answer questions, make suggestions and help you to grow. You don’t need to know it all to get started!
If you are interested in just learning more about the possibilities or if you’re ready to plan a start-up group in your area, write to us (choose Start-Up Group as the subject) and we’ll be in touch.
Happy stitching!