Learn two tips when cutting and marking fabric.
Learn two tips when cutting and marking fabric.
Melding, or setting stitches after sewing a seam is important to create beautiful seams in projects.
When reading sewing pattern instructions, it will say to “intersect” or “cross” seams. This short video shows you how to intersect seams.
What does it mean when pattern instructions say to press open the seam? This short video will tell you what you need to know.
As we sew, so shall we rip. Removing parts of seams is a normal part of sewing. Through this short video, learn how to properly remove stitches from a seam so as not to cause any damage to the fabric.
American Sewing Guild
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9660 Hillcroft, Suite 230
Houston TX 77096
713-729-3000 | 713-721-9230 Fax